The C-word

Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect them. One day, everything’s running smoothly – you’re hitting your stride at work, the kids are thriving, and you’ve finally started that healthy eating plan. The next day, a single word changes everything: Cancer.

It’s a word that sends shivers down our spines, a diagnosis that none of us ever want to face. But here’s the stark reality – cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about your age, whether you’re 5 or 85. It’s blind to gender, affecting men and women. Your social status? Irrelevant. That gym membership and those kale smoothies? While they’re great for overall health, they’re not an impenetrable shield.

Cancer can touch anyone’s life, at any time. The fitness enthusiast training for a marathon. The busy parent juggling work and family. The retiree enjoying their golden years. The child with a bright future ahead. No one is immune.

But here’s the thing – while we can’t always prevent cancer, we can prepare ourselves to face it head-on if it ever enters our lives or the lives of those we love. It’s not just about having the right medical care (though that’s crucial). It’s about creating a fortress of support around ourselves and our families.

Organisations dedicated to fighting cancer emphasise several key areas we should focus on:

  1. Access to treatment: Can we ensure that we or our loved ones get the best possible care if needed?
  2. Support systems: Are we ready to rally as a family or community, providing the emotional backbone that might be needed?
  3. Early detection: How attuned are we to changes in our health and the health of those around us?
  4. Advocacy: Are we raising our voices to give cancer research and support the attention it desperately needs?

These are powerful reminders of what truly matters when facing such a daunting challenge. But there’s another aspect we need to consider – the financial impact.

Imagine for a moment: You’ve just received the diagnosis. Your world is spinning. The last thing you want to worry about is money. But the reality is, cancer treatment can be incredibly expensive. And it’s not just the medical bills. It’s the time off work, the travel expenses for treatments, the additional care needs that might arise.

This is where smart financial planning comes into play. It’s not the most comfortable topic to think about, but having the right financial protection in place can be a lifeline in these situations. Critical illness cover and income protection aren’t just insurance policies – they’re peace of mind. Knowing that if the unthinkable happens, you can focus on what really matters – healing and supporting your loved ones.

So, let’s ask ourselves some tough questions:

– If cancer struck us or someone we love tomorrow, would we be financially prepared?

– Have we considered critical illness cover for ourselves and our families?

– Do we have income protection in place in case we need extended time off work?

These aren’t easy questions, but they’re important ones. Because being prepared isn’t about living in fear – it’s about empowering ourselves to face whatever challenges life might throw our way.

Remember, planning for the worst doesn’t mean expecting it. It means loving ourselves and our families enough to protect them from all angles. It means giving ourselves the gift of readiness, so that if a storm comes, we can weather it together.

So, tonight, as you go about your routine – whether that’s tucking kids into bed, unwinding after a long day at work, or planning your next workout – take a moment to think about your financial armour. Is it strong enough to protect you and your loved ones? If not, maybe it’s time we had a heart-to-heart. Because at the end of the day, there’s no investment more important than our health and the well-being of those we hold dear.

Life is unpredictable, but with the right preparation, we can face even its toughest challenges with resilience and hope.

Ten Rules – Part 2

In the first part of this series, we explored five essential rules for personal finance, inspired by “The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated” by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack. The rules in the blog spoke to things like spending less than we earn, paying off credit card debt, save 10-20% of our income, augmenting contributions to retirement investments, and creating an emergency fund — all laying the groundwork for financial stability and success.

Now, let’s delve into the next five rules that will help you further simplify your financial life and build a solid foundation for the future.

Rule 6: Buy inexpensive, well-diversified mutual funds

Investing is often seen as a complex and intimidating process, but it doesn’t have to be. Olen and Pollack recommend buying inexpensive, well-diversified investment funds (such as mutual funds, unit trusts, or ETFs) as a straightforward approach to growing your wealth. Diversified funds spread your investments across various assets, reducing risk while providing the potential for steady growth. By focusing on low-cost options, such as index funds, you also minimize fees that can erode your returns over time. Remember, the goal isn’t to chase the highest returns but to build a balanced, long-term investment strategy that aligns with your financial goals.

Rule 7: Choose a Financial Adviser who commits to a fiduciary standard

When seeking professional financial advice, it’s crucial to work with someone who prioritizes your best interests. A fiduciary is legally obligated to act in their clients’ best interest, which contrasts with advisers who may recommend products or strategies based on commissions or incentives. By choosing a fiduciary advisor, you ensure that the guidance you receive is tailored to your financial well-being, not someone else’s profits. Don’t hesitate to ask what standards we adhere to, it’s a crucial step in protecting your financial future.

Rule 8: Protect yourself with adequate risk cover

Insurance is a critical component of financial planning, serving as a safety net against life’s unexpected events. Whether it’s health insurance, life insurance, or disability coverage, having the right policies in place can prevent financial disaster. Olen and Pollack discuss the importance of ensuring you have adequate coverage to protect yourself and your loved ones. This doesn’t mean over-insuring or buying every policy available, but rather thoughtfully considering your risks and securing appropriate protection.

Rule 9: Advocate for strong social safety nets

Social safety nets, including programs like pensions, unemployment benefits, healthcare, and other forms of social insurance, are crucial for ensuring financial stability and security across all stages of life. While the specific programs may vary from country to country—ranging from Social Security in the U.S. to state pensions in the UK, or unemployment insurance in countries like South Africa, Germany and Australia—the underlying principle is the same: these systems provide a critical foundation for economic stability and support during times of need.

Olen and Pollack emphasize the importance of understanding and supporting these social safety nets within your own country. This can be done through informed voting, civic engagement, and staying informed about the policies that affect these programs. Although it might feel like these systems are beyond your immediate influence, they play a crucial role in the broader economic health that benefits everyone. By advocating for strong, well-funded social safety nets, you contribute to a more stable and equitable society, which in turn, supports your own financial well-being and that of future generations.

Rule 10: Remember the importance of community

Finally, personal finance is not just about individual success but also about contributing to and benefiting from a healthy community. Engaging with your community—whether by supporting local businesses, volunteering, or simply being an active participant—can lead to a richer, more meaningful life.

Financial security is important, but so is the well-being of the society in which we live. By balancing personal financial goals with a commitment to the common good, you create a legacy of both prosperity and positive impact.

Remember, mastering personal finance doesn’t require complex strategies or advanced knowledge—it’s about sticking to the basics, making informed decisions, and aligning your financial behavior with your long-term goals. By incorporating these ten rules into your financial planning, you can simplify your approach, reduce stress, and ultimately achieve the financial independence and security you deserve.

Ten Rules – Part 1

Whilst it’s easy to get lost in a sea of jargon, investment options, and conflicting advice, financial success doesn’t require a degree in economics or hours spent poring over market trends. In fact, according to Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack in their book The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated, everything you need to know about managing your money can fit on a single index card. 

Yes, you read that right—just ten simple rules are all you need to master your financial life.

In this first blog, of a two-part series, we’ll explore five rules will help most people cut through the noise and provide a clear, straightforward path to financial stability and success.

Rule 1: Spend less than you earn

At the heart of financial security lies this golden rule: spend less than you earn. It’s simple in theory but challenging in practice, especially in a world where consumer culture encourages constant spending (AKA: lifestyle creep!). By living within your means, you create the financial flexibility to save, invest, and plan for the future without the looming threat of debt.

Rule 2: Try to pay off your credit card balance in full every month

Credit card debt is one of the most common financial pitfalls. The interest rates are notoriously high, and carrying a balance from month to month can quickly spiral out of control. Olen and Pollack stress the importance of paying off your credit card balance in full each month. This not only saves you from paying unnecessary interest but also instils discipline in your spending habits.

Rule 3: Save 10-20% of Your Income

Saving regularly is key to building wealth over time. The authors suggest setting aside 20% of your income for savings. This may seem ambitious, but starting with any amount and gradually increasing your savings rate can make a significant difference in your financial future. The earlier you start, the more you benefit from the power of compound interest, allowing your savings to grow exponentially over time.

Rule 4: Maximise contributions to retirement accounts

Retirement may seem far away, but it’s crucial to start planning for it as early as possible. Olen and Pollack recommend using the full allowance for contributions to retirement accounts. These accounts often come with tax advantages, and the sooner you contribute, the more time your investments have to grow. It’s about ensuring that your future self has the financial resources to enjoy life after work.

Rule 5: Create an emergency fund

Life is full of unexpected surprises, and not all of them are pleasant. That’s why having an emergency fund is essential. Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a readily accessible account. This fund serves as a financial safety net, protecting you from the need to rely on high-interest debt when unexpected expenses arise.

By following these first five rules from, you’re already well on your way to mastering the basics of personal finance. The beauty of these guidelines lies in their simplicity—they are straightforward, actionable, and effective. In our next blog, we’ll explore five more rules, which will further solidify your financial foundation. 

Remember, financial success doesn’t have to be complicated. By focusing on the essentials, you can achieve your goals with confidence and ease.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll dive into the final five rules and continue our journey toward financial mastery.

The freedom to live life on your terms

Here’s one of the hardest (or least asked…) questions when it comes to financial planning:  “How much is enough?”

It’s a simple question, but one that most people never stop to consider. We’re so caught up in the race for ‘more’ that we forget to ask ourselves why we’re running in the first place. It’s a vital question that we need to ask, so much so that Paul Armson wrote a book about it –  “Enough? How much money do you need for the rest of your life?”.

It challenges us to rethink the very essence of financial planning. It’s not about amassing the biggest fortune; it’s about funding a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Imagine for a moment that money wasn’t a concern. How would you spend your days? What experiences would you seek? What impact would you want to make? These are the questions that lie at the heart of Lifestyle Financial Planning.

Traditional financial planning often feels like a never-ending pursuit of more. More savings, more returns, more assets. However, Armson argues that this approach misses the point entirely. After all, what good is a hefty bank balance if it doesn’t translate into a life well-lived?

Lifestyle Financial Planning flips the script. Instead of starting with products and strategies, it begins with you – your dreams, your values, your ideal lifestyle. It asks, “What does your best life look like?” and then builds a financial strategy to support that vision.

This approach suggests that true wealth isn’t just about money in the bank. It’s about having the freedom to live life on your terms. It’s about achieving ‘financial independence’ – that magical point where work becomes a choice, not a necessity.

But how do we determine what ‘enough’ looks like? It’s a deeply personal question, and the answer will be different for everyone. For some, it might mean having the resources to travel the world. For others, it could be the ability to start a passion project or spend more time with family.

The key is to dig deep and get clear about what truly matters to you. What experiences bring you joy? What achievements would give you a sense of meaning and value? What legacy do you want to leave? Once you have a clear picture of your ideal lifestyle, you can work backwards to figure out the financial resources needed to support it.

This shift in focus from accumulation to lifestyle has profound implications. It frees us from the endless treadmill of always needing more. It allows us to make more intentional choices about how we earn, spend, and invest our money. And perhaps most importantly, it aligns our financial decisions with our personal values and life goals.

Adopting a Lifestyle Financial Planning approach doesn’t mean abandoning sound financial principles. It still involves budgeting, saving, investing, and managing risk. But these tools become means to an end, rather than ends in themselves. They’re employed in service of funding your ideal lifestyle, not just growing a bigger pile of money.

Lifestyle Financial Planning offers a more holistic and fulfilling approach to managing money. It encourages us to think deeply about what we truly want from life and to align our financial decisions with those aspirations. It replaces the anxiety of “never enough” with the confidence of knowing exactly what “enough” looks like for us.

It’s a tool to help you live the life you desire. So, what does “enough” look like? That’s perhaps where the true financial journey begins.

Nudging, not judging

Change is one of those things that we all know is necessary but often struggle with. Whether it’s a change in our spending habits, our health routines, or our approach to relationships, the process can be daunting. The desire to improve is there, but the path forward isn’t always clear or easy. This is where the concept of “nudging, not judging” can be transformative. 

It’s about guiding ourselves and others toward positive change with gentle encouragement rather than harsh criticism. When it comes to financial planning, this philosophy is particularly powerful. Let’s be honest—money is a sensitive subject!

We often feel judged, not just by others, but by ourselves, when we don’t make the “right” decisions. We look at our past financial mistakes and wonder why we didn’t do better. But this self-judgment only deepens the sense of failure and can keep us stuck in a cycle of guilt and avoidance.

Instead, what if we approached financial change with a “nudge-ment” rather than a judgment? A nudge is a small, positive reinforcement or a gentle prompt that encourages us to make better decisions. It’s not about drastically overhauling our entire financial life overnight. It’s about making incremental improvements that, over time, lead to significant progress.

For example, let’s say you want to start saving more but haven’t been able to make it happen. Instead of judging yourself for not saving enough, start by setting up a small automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account each month. This simple nudge helps build the habit of saving without the pressure of making a huge financial sacrifice all at once. Over time, as your savings grow, you might find it easier to increase that amount—because the habit is already in place.

Nudging can also be applied to how we interact with others about money. Too often, conversations about finances can become tense or judgmental, particularly in relationships or families. By adopting a nudge approach, we can foster a more supportive environment for discussing money. Instead of criticising a partner for their spending habits, for instance, we might suggest a joint goal that requires both of you to save a little more each month. This way, you’re working together toward a positive outcome rather than focusing on past mistakes.

The power of nudging lies in its subtlety. It recognises that change is a process, not an event. Small, consistent actions, driven by encouragement rather than criticism, create a foundation for lasting change. And the best part? These small changes often lead to a ripple effect, where one positive action leads to another, creating momentum that makes larger changes feel more achievable.

So, as you think about the changes you want to make in your financial life, remember the power of the nudge. Start with one small step, encourage yourself along the way, and let go of the harsh judgments that hold you back. Because in the end, it’s the consistent, positive nudges that lead to the most meaningful and sustainable change.

So, why do we plan?

Have you ever wondered why we spend so much time planning, even when we know that life rarely goes according to plan? It’s a curious thought, especially when it comes to financial planning. Carl Richards beautifully encapsulates this paradox: “In fact, the only thing we know for sure about any good financial plan the moment we finish designing it is that it’s wrong. We just don’t know exactly how… yet.”

This might sound disheartening at first, but it’s a profound truth that holds a valuable lesson. To explore this further, Carl spoke with several pilots, posing two questions. First, “Do you prepare a flight plan for every single flight?” The answer was always a resounding “Yes.” The second question, “How often does the flight go exactly as you planned?” The response, invariably, was “Never.” 

Despite knowing that their plans would change, they still took the time to prepare meticulously. So, why do we plan?

The answer lies not in the accuracy of the plan, but in the process and the mindset it fosters. Planning, especially in the context of financial planning, is less about predicting the future with perfect accuracy and more about preparing ourselves to adapt and respond effectively to whatever comes our way.

Think of financial planning as setting a course for your life’s journey. Without a plan, you’re adrift on the winds of change, reacting to changing conditions rather than steering towards your desired destination. With a plan, you have a direction, a purpose, and a set of guidelines that help you make informed decisions, even when the unexpected happens.

Consider this: a pilot’s flight plan includes not just the intended route, but also contingency plans for various scenarios—weather changes, technical issues, or unexpected detours. Similarly, a good financial plan is flexible and resilient. It takes into account your goals, resources, and potential obstacles, and it provides a framework for making adjustments as needed.

When we create a financial plan, we acknowledge that life is unpredictable. We prepare for the known variables and set ourselves up to handle the unknowns. This proactive approach empowers us to stay focused on our long-term goals, even as we navigate the twists and turns that life inevitably throws our way.

Moreover, the act of planning itself has intrinsic value. It forces us to think critically about our priorities, define our goals, and identify the steps we need to take to achieve them. It encourages us to engage in meaningful conversations with our loved ones about our hopes and dreams, fostering deeper understanding and alignment.

So, why do we plan, knowing that our plans will inevitably change? Because the process of planning is about much more than the final document. It’s about preparing ourselves to manage uncertainty with clarity and purpose. It’s about building a strong foundation that can support us through the ups and downs of life. And most importantly, it’s about empowering ourselves to live intentionally and to pursue our dreams with confidence.

From Hocus Pocus to Financial Focus

You know that feeling when you check your bank account and suddenly you’re thinking, “Hocus pocus, I’m brokus”? Yeah, we’ve all been there. It’s like one minute you’re feeling on top of the world, and the next, poof! Your money’s vanished faster than a rabbit in a magician’s hat.

But here’s the thing: our finances aren’t actually controlled by some mysterious, magical force. Even though it might feel that way sometimes! Nope, it’s all about the choices we make every day, the little decisions that add up over time. Kind of like how a magician practices their tricks over and over until they can pull off that jaw-dropping illusion.

So, let’s talk about turning that financial “brokus” into focus. It’s not about waving a magic wand (wouldn’t that be nice?), but about understanding the ‘tricks’ of good money management.

First off, budgeting. We all know it’s about as exciting as watching paint dry. But hear this out – it’s like learning the basic moves before you can dance. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be grooving with your finances in no time. Start small – maybe just track your spending for a week. You might be surprised at what you find out!

Then there’s saving. It’s not about squirrelling away huge chunks of money (unless you can, in which case, go for it!). It’s about consistently putting a little bit aside. Think of it like filling a piggy bank. At first, it might not feel like much, but keep at it, and before you know it, you’ve got a nice little stash. It’s not about growing money, but about building a safety net, one coin at a time. The real power is in the habit – regularly setting aside what you can, no matter how small the amount.

And investments? Now, that’s where the real financial growth can happen, though it might feel like hocus pocus at first. But here’s the thing – it doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with something simple; it’s like dipping your toe in the investment pool before diving in. 

Always remember, though, that investments come with risks, and it’s crucial to do your homework. Don’t be shy about seeking advice from a financial professional or trusted source. Think of it like joining a study group for a tough class – you’re learning alongside others, sharing insights, and hopefully all growing your knowledge (and your money) together. Just remember, unlike our savings piggy bank, investments can go up and down, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into and be prepared for some ups and downs along the way.

The real magic happens when you combine all these elements – budgeting, saving, and investing. It’s like pulling off a complex magic trick. Each part on its own might not seem that impressive, but put them all together and… ta-da! Financial stability!

So the next time you’re feeling a bit “brokus,” don’t panic. Take a deep breath, and remember – you’ve got the power to change your financial story. It’s not about hocus pocus, it’s about focus. And with a little patience and persistence, you can turn your financial life from a disappearing act into a showpiece.

The Baby-Steps Rule for Financial Growth

You know, it’s funny how we often think about our finances. We look at our bank accounts or our debts and think, “Wow, I need to make some big changes here.” And then we get overwhelmed and end up doing… well, nothing. Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing: what if we didn’t need to make those massive, life-altering changes all at once? What if we could improve our financial situation just a little bit every day? That’s where the 1% rule comes in, and, it’s a game-changer.

“If you get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.” — James Clear

Think about it this way. If you’re trying to save money, you don’t have to suddenly start putting away half your paycheck (unless you can, in which case, go you!). Instead, why not start by saving just 1% more than you are now? It might not seem like much, but over time, it adds up. And the best part? You probably won’t even notice that small amount leaving your account.

The same goes for budgeting. Maybe you’ve been meaning to track your expenses but the thought of logging every single purchase feels daunting. So why not start by just tracking one category of spending? Just your groceries, or your entertainment expenses. It’s a small step, but it’s a start.

And investments? Oh boy, that’s a whole world that can seem super complicated. But you don’t need to become a Wall Street wizard overnight. Maybe you start by increasing your investment contribution by 1% every month. Or you set aside a small amount each month to invest in a low-cost index fund. Baby steps.

The beauty of the 1% rule is that it makes things manageable. It’s not about overhauling your entire financial life in one go. It’s about making small, consistent improvements. And here’s the kicker – those small improvements compound over time. Just like James Clear said, if you get 1% better each day for a year, you end up 37 times (3778%) better. That’s huge!

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is financial stability. But brick by brick, or in this case, percent by percent, we can build something pretty amazing. So, let’s get started, shall we? After all, your future self will thank you for every 1% improvement you make today.

The behavioural blueprint for financial success

Traditionally, personal finance conversations have focused heavily on numbers, metrics, and strategies. However, Morgan Housel, in his insightful book “The Psychology of Money,” proposes a compelling argument: while acquiring wealth involves shrewd financial strategies, maintaining and growing that wealth is more about mastering your behaviours and emotions.

Housel shares that acquiring and preserving wealth are two distinct challenges, with the latter often proving more difficult. The actual test of financial acumen lies not in how much one can accumulate, but in how effectively one can retain and grow their wealth over time. This ability, Housel contends, is rooted in patience, discipline, and the capacity to resist short-term temptations in favour of long-term benefits.

The power of compound interest, often hailed as the world’s eighth wonder, serves as a prime example of this principle. Its magic lies not just in mathematical growth, but in the patience and discipline required to allow investments the time to mature. Housel underscores that the greatest financial rewards often come to those who can wait the longest, resisting the urge to dip into savings for immediate gratification.

In today’s digital age, where market noise is louder than ever, Housel argues that a crucial aspect of maintaining wealth is the ability to remain indifferent to this cacophony. The most successful investors aren’t necessarily those with the most technical skills or the best market predictions, but those who can stay the course without being swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

Housel’s perspective extends beyond traditional financial management into what could be termed “behavioural wealth management.” This approach reminds us that managing wealth effectively, requires more than understanding financial principles; it involves managing one’s behaviour towards money. This includes understanding personal motivations for saving and spending, recognising emotional triggers that lead to poor financial decisions, and developing habits that align with long-term objectives.

A practical takeaway from Housel’s narrative is the importance of setting systems that automate good financial behaviours. For instance, setting up automatic transfers to savings accounts or investment funds can help enforce discipline, ensuring that money is saved or invested before there’s a chance to spend it impulsively.

Ultimately, Housel’s perspective shifts the focus from purely financial tactics to behavioural strategies. 

The key insight is clear: while anyone can learn the technical aspects of financial management, true mastery lies in managing one’s psychological and emotional approach to money. 

As Chris Rock once joked, “Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.” Managing behaviour ensures that those options remain open and expand over time, securing not just financial wealth, but a wealth of life choices.

Who’s leaning on you?


For all of us, we’re often interconnected with others in ways we don’t fully realise. Family members, friends, colleagues and even acquaintances can lean on us for support, both emotionally and financially. While this support can be a beautiful expression of love and community, it can also become an invisible weight that impacts our own financial well-being and life goals.

Take a moment to reflect: Who are the people in your life that depend on you? Perhaps it’s aging parents who need assistance with medical bills, a sibling going through a tough time, or a friend who’s always “just a little short” on rent. These connections are part of what make us human, but they also present complex challenges when it comes to financial planning and personal boundaries.

The philosopher Kahlil Gibran once wrote, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” This sentiment beautifully captures the essence of generosity, but it also raises an important question: At what point does giving become detrimental to our own well-being?

It’s a delicate balance. On the one hand, we want to be there for our loved ones, to offer support when they need it most. On the other hand, we have our own financial goals, dreams, and responsibilities to consider. How do we navigate this complex terrain?

First, it’s crucial to acknowledge that including others in our financial plan is not inherently wrong. In fact, for many cultures and families, it’s an expected and valued part of life. The key is to do so intentionally and with clear boundaries.

Start by taking inventory of your financial commitments to others. Are these commitments sustainable in the long term? Do they align with your own financial goals and values? Are they truly helping the other person, or are they enabling dependency?

Next, consider the impact of these commitments on your own financial health. Are you sacrificing your retirement savings (financial independence) to support a family member? Are you putting off important life goals because of financial obligations to others? Remember, as the flight safety instructions remind us, you need to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.

Once you have a clear picture of your situation, it may be time for some tough conversations. These dialogues are never easy, but they’re essential for maintaining healthy relationships and financial boundaries. 

Here are some tips for approaching these discussions:

  1. Be honest and transparent about your own financial situation and goals.
  2. Express your care and concern for the other person, while also articulating your limitations.
  3. If possible, offer alternative forms of support that don’t involve direct financial assistance.
  4. Work together to create a plan for greater financial independence, if appropriate.
  5. Be prepared to say no, even if it’s difficult.

Remember, setting boundaries is not selfish – it’s a necessary part of maintaining your own well-being and, ultimately, your capacity to help others in sustainable ways.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a life that allows you to be generous and supportive while also securing your own future. It’s about finding that delicate balance between giving and self-care, between supporting others and maintaining healthy boundaries.

In the words of the Dalai Lama, “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. But if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” By taking a thoughtful, intentional approach to the financial support we offer others, we can ensure that our generosity comes from a place of strength and sustainability, rather than self-sacrifice.